My Ridealong with Tacoma Police Department

In August, I went on a ride along with the Tacoma Police Department.

I had specifically asked for the graveyard shift in Sector 4, which is one of the more "active" sections of Tacoma, especially at night.

At 7:30, I arrived to meet Sergeant Spangler who had assigned me to Officer Paris to take me along for his 8:00 shift. Having already worked a full day at my job, I made sure to stop and get a coffee before heading out for a late night. I would soon find out that it wasn't necessary... the adrenaline would have kept me afloat on its own.

Upon arriving, I was told that I had "just missed" a huge shootout in the Hosmer area that had happened about 7:15.

After briefing me on protocols and the "do's and don'ts" of being a ride along passenger, we headed out on the road. Immediately the officer's screen was full of calls, lined up in the queue. There was already a lot of activity happening around Tacoma. He explained to me how the system works for who takes on what responsibility. Things were pretty intense from the onset. Where to go first, which incident took priority, all the while knowing that each incident was still going to require attention, they wouldn't just disappear and would need to be addressed at some point. Somebody, somewhere was still being affected by a situation... quite possibly, the darkest day of their life.

One of our first stops was to relieve the Tacoma Fire Department on scene where a young man was found deceased by his brother. A former Marine who had been living with his parents and had succumbed to years of substance abuse. It was heart-wrenching as I sat in the patrol car, to see another family member showing up to console the parents.

There were times when we would be on our way to something urgent, only to be rerouted by something more urgent. Several calls where someone had pulled a gun on someone else... more calls like this than you might expect. I heard "shots fired" on multiple occasions by the dispatcher.

Sometimes another officer or multiple officers would get there first, rerouting us to the previous call. Quite a few intense driving situations were called for to get on the scene as quickly as possible. Situations where seconds counted and minutes could have made the difference between life and death. Drivers who were oblivious to the lights and sirens, when we had to get on scene as quickly as possible. Officer Paris was amazingly calm, keeping his composure as I intensely gripped the door handle.

Eventually, we were asked to go relieve an officer who had been keeping the scene secure at the shootout in the Hosmer area. This was the second shoutout at this location in consecutive nights. This one, far worse than the night before, with 34 shell casings recovered. Innocent people in a nearby nursing home were affected. One of their car windows was blown out by a stray bullet. Fortunately, no fatalities.

Forensics was on the scene, processing the evidence. It was a great opportunity to talk with the other officers. I believe I had encountered about 10 different people in multiple capacities of law and safety enforcement. All extremely professional and well versed in their field. Quite impressive, to be honest. They were very insightful and courteous towards me.

Once the work was completed on scene, we rolled up the police tape and returned to the other calls in the queue. One of the locations that we were called to was just around the corner from the shootout. Two convenience store owners, each with a gun strapped to their hips, were repeatedly intimidated by large groups of people, outside their store. Fearing for their safety, they had called for help. Needless to say, I was told to stay in the vehicle with the doors locked as the officers (others showed up as well) dealt with the situation. I couldn't help but feel like a sitting duck, should something have erupted. This brought to mind the deaths of Seattle Officer Timothy Brenton as well as the shootings of the Lakewood Four a month later, in 2009. A subject that I spoke with the Officers about, when we were on the scene of the shooting.

Once things chilled out a bit more, about 1:00 in the morning, Officer Paris continued his routine. He patrolled neighborhoods where a lot of stolen cars would usually turn up. Driving through places, like abandoned industrial parks and behind unused buildings that most of us would never venture into, especially in the pitch black dark of night. I had commented to him about his instincts to venture into these places. Whereas a regular citizen, my instincts would take me on well lit "safe spaces" his took him in the absolute opposite direction. I could literally feel it in my gut with every turn he took. He could have gone anywhere, parked his cruiser and waited for a call. Instead, he kept in perpetual motion, policing. I had commented to him that I was sure that the people who lived in the neighborhoods that we were patrolling appreciated his presence... that I knew I would, had I seen him cruise by at all hours of the night. The compliment seemed sadly foreign to him as I'm sure he'd rarely heard that, given he works while most are asleep.

He's been on the force for just over three years, working graveyard shifts the entire time. His father recently retired from TPD after decades of Service. In fact, he was allowed to acquire his father's Call Sign (forgive me if I am using the incorrect label, here) which you are assigned for life as an Officer. He takes great pride in doing his job and upholding the work ethic that his father instilled in him, throughout his 30 years of existence.

I know that in Tacoma, the opinions about Police Officers and the Tacoma Police Department vary quite a bit. Many see them as heroes and some as villians. The viewpoints are polarizing, to say the least... and I have heard almost all sides of the argument.

The one thing that I do know is this... police are necessary in any community. There are people who need them every single day. The fact that they venture into situations that many of us can never fathom having to do in our lifetime, is daunting. If you think about it, we may see events like theirs once or twice or possibly a few times in our entire life... that they see multiple times in a shift. Not only that, they are expected to be absolutely perfect with every split-second decision. All the while, balancing ever-changing laws and guidelines that are written and rewritten ad nauseam.

Am I saying that there are never poor decisions made by the police? Heavens no. They are imperfect human beings, as are we all. I am not excusing those bad decisions. It's not my place.

What I am saying is, there's a huge disconnect in the City Of Tacoma. There's a disconnect between the City Council / Mayor and the TPD. There's a disconnect with the citizens of Tacoma and the TPD. There's a disconnect with the citizens of Tacoma and the City Council / Mayor.

All sides with their heels dug in... deeply. And there are no signs of that changing any time soon.

You all know that I am running for Mayor again in 2025. As in 2021, my top priority has been to bridge those gaps. To bring us all together. To unify Tacoma.

That has to be OUR top priority, collectively. And that can only happen if we break down the barriers between us and get things on the table and start talking. Start working together.

We need to start venturing into those dark places, together.

As Mayor, I plan on hitting the ground running and leading the charge for Unity in Tacoma.

I want to give a huge nod of appreciation to The Tacoma Police Department for letting me tag along and inundate your Officers with questions. To all the other groups in Tacoma, I appreciate you letting me in as well to hear your visions of Tacoma.

We will only build this city up to our expectations, if we all talk to one another. It all starts with the conversation... and I am all ears.


My Idea for an Urban Paradise


Tacoma’s Homeless Situation