Dear Friends & Neighbors,


I am pleased to announce I’m running for Tacoma Mayor again. I'm gonna win this time, especially with your help! Early donations are crucial to a successful campaign and with your support I’ll get that extra boost I need to help me build a solid foundation for my campaign.

If you want to learn more about me and my campaign, here are a few key issues I’m dedicated and passionate about: 

(click on any bullet point below to learn more)

I’m deeply committed to this work of building a brighter tomorrow and a better today for all of us and our city of destiny. While I stand here with great vision, my work is a joint effort. Of course, this isn’t a job just one person can do. Winning the election requires a team effort, and I’m lucky to have friends like you on my team! Your donation of $50, $100, $500 … or even the legal maximum of $2,150 per person is very important. 

I look forward to being actively engaged and as always, my inbox is open to you for any and all questions and concerns you have regarding my service to our city.

I am eternally grateful for every one of you that is on this journey with me. When we solve these key issues, we can all be proud to live in a safe and thriving city. Thank you for your donation and support and please feel welcome to share this news with your community.


Steve Haverly

Your Candidate for Mayor